Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Projects for Osakaben desu!

Hello everyone! I'm in the middle of updating and changing a lot of my blogs and webpages so....There is so much work today! On this page, the main focus will be Learning Japanese but not just Japanese, Japanese spoken with Kansai/Osakaben. I will be having updates here and the videos will be on my youtube channel (osakaben10). I will be creating several different Japanese Lesson Videos: Standard Japanese and Osakaben(osaka dialect)for now. But, I will be using as many creative ways for students to be able to learn. Also, On my pageJpopnow.comI will be offering Free English Lessons and conversation practice. So, I need people to comment and subscribe and give me feedback. I have noticed that People are Viewing my Free Japanese Lesson Videos on youtube and I want to let them know That I'm going to make One video for Hiragana/Katakana stroke order this weekend and then on With the Formal lessons(vocab,grammar and so on). So, please subscribe,comment and click the thumbs up to help me help all of you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Scott and Ben.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanks for visiting this blog!

Hello everyone, I want to thank all of the people who visited this blog within the past few months. I'm learning more about blogging(little by little),and I really want to make this something that people want to read and respond to. Now that I know a lot more about the server that I'm using and what I can do on it, I will be making the type of blog that you will enjoy and really want to become a part of. This was the first blog that I started and I didn't know all of the ins' and outs' of the blogging system. This blog is called Osakaben desu and in the beginnig(and for a long time), that was just my web nickname; So, now I think that people expect this to be a blog about Kansai/Osaka dialect. Well, guess what! That will be the case with my next blog. There will be small articles and info on Osakaben(dialect) and lessons to learn Osakaben. Unless other material, such as jpop news occurs with a Osaben twist, this will be the Osakaben instructional blog. To find out about other blog pages, Please check outJpopnow.comI will have all of the media channels updated with the corresponding links. Thanks for your visiting and please come often and subscribe or join whatever the blog gives you the choice of doing. Scott.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I think I need a camera man and an assistant.

Hello All,
Well if you came here from Jpopnow.comyou should have seen Free Japanese lessons on the main page. Those lessons are in the works. Considering how long it took to learn some of the web design coding, waiting 2 weeks for the first good lesson is not very long. But,I do apologize for the wait.There will be a lot of short lessons but, not just one or two. I'm actually a serious teacher so, you won't see a lot of skits like on NHK or other videos. Just good solid lessons. So, check out often and you can see the youtube video lessons. Once you see the lessons and become a regular viewer, I will let you in on some of the special projects you will have available for your studies.
Good luck,
Scott and ben.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I hope to get a response from some language learners!

hello everyone,
The numbers for my blogs are climbing higher and higher. I'm hoping someone will send a response.
I want to set up my japanese and english classes with this blog. it will be fun, i have so many ways to do this(skype,paltalk and streaming tv)if you want to have fun in english and japanese,find a language partner or just learn about asian/american music and culture. This blog and my webpage will show us the way. please comment,or subscribe to this blog.

Monday, September 19, 2011 is changing.

hello everyone! is chaning in design and is working. There are still some design changes I want to make so, Don't freak out when you see the new webpage. i want to add a few more features and get it more organized.
The main focus of this Blog will be,Free Japanese Lessons and Free English Lessons. There will be blogs,youtube videos,conversation clubs, and podcasts. The more The page is being designed, the more fun features become available.
As always, there is an email link to give me your comments(a comment section is in the works).
Also,you can comment here. I read the stats and see page views but no comments. I know Japanese music and Free Japanese and English lessons are fun things for you all so, Please leave a comment in the section below and let's have fun making a great place to visit.
Scott(and Ben)
Also, the page will describe more in detail about where and how the lessons will be started.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My hit counter for got freaky!

It's sad to say but my page counter on my Jpop webpage erased about 6,000 hits so.... I will start the contest to celebrate 4,000 hit's and not 10,000. Which should still be next week;That means that I will be making the official video for my youtube channel and
Don't worry.
If you are there please email and if you read this,please leave a comment.
I know of some things that I will do to make the site better and i want your imput too.
Keep listening to jpop and visiting
I don't know when people can watch yet so, The live shows will be recorded until i can get a good air time for everyone.
Scott(and Osakaben)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Jpop thing is coming together.

Hey everyone,
I have done a lot(and i mean a lot)of work such as learning code,learning new blogs,podcasts and streaming media techniques; As soon as the Oricon Jpop charts are out, there will be a new Jpopnow Live Top Ten Countdown program on streaming video or as I like to say, Internet TV(that may not be the correct term but, that's what i call it.)
So, you guys can check out and my youtube channels or any of the channels linked to the network. You can find out the information.
So, there is going to be Jpop,More Jpop and Jpop all of the time. Also, there is a contest coming up to celebrate 10,000 hits on and to welcome everyone to the blogs,podcasts and internet tv versions of jpopnow.
As the network improves so will the content of the shows and prizes for future events. The light at the end of the tunnel is approaching. It was a lot of hard work and hard times but, Next week, All of the things possible to make the Jpopnow countdown show will be ready and I will let you know by a post on every channel and blog about the first of many jpop shows to come.
You can see my gmail account address at the top of this blog; Everywhere else, I believe there is a link to my hotmail. Please leave a comment,an email address,or subscribe(where you can)
I'm looking forward to your participation to make this a great network for Jpop lovers,japanese languae learners and english learners from japan to enjoy. Let's be friends and have fun together. One more thing please reply to the posts on the blogs so I can learn who you are.
Scott and Osakaben.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jpop is under attack?

Hello everyone,
It seems these days that there are is a big scandal in Japan. Recently, there has been a huge wave of Korean Pop Stars and television and Korean dramas being featured on Fuji Television. My view is "It's all good!" In America, over the past several years, Saturday Morning cartoons(animation)have been directly or indirectly influenced by Japanese Anime; You see the obvious style elements and Japanese names in the ending credits.
Does the present influx of Korean talent threaten Jpop? I doubt it. BoA Kwon is Korean and Sings in Korean(in Korea)and sings in Japanese(in Japan). Does it matter what nationality of talent is on the television or radio? In the USA we have such an influence on Pop music that groups from all over the world come here and even learn English to be a success in America.
Please leave a comment for me and give me your thoughts.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Keeping up with the "Net-Hero's"

Hello Friends,
It seems that I have been getting attention on my other types of webpages; But, My main Blog(this one)As of yet has a comment.
According to the accounting files withing my "Dashboard", I know I have had a few visitors but, I want to see many more.
I want to become a better writer and I have been inspired by the Web-celebs that have made a mark on the WWW by posting their content. I really want to become better in writing,speaking and making videos. So, I'm counting on the people who come to this blog to leave a short,happy and constructive comment.
All of my projects are going well, but, I'm still a little bit from being perfectly organized and on point with my web activities.
Please stick around and give me your support.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

come follow me.

Hi everyone,
I'm putting up a new java box that you might find fun to use.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another test.

Hello everyone,
I'm testing my gift shop app. on this page so, i hope it doesn't confuse anyone.

I'm making shirts for My Live Tv Shows.

Hello everyone,
I'm making t-shirts and other products for my TV Shows,Blogs,podcasts and what other project that i'm working on.
I hope that this will catch on so I can donate some money to Eastern Japan and The Disaster Areas here, In the USA.
I will post a link to see if you can find my products.
Please visit there.My T-shirt and Gift Shop
Thank you.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

All day for Japan!

Hello everyone,
Since we, In the United States live very far from Japan, We do not hear about it on the news anymore;As a matter of fact, there is a great need for assistance in Eastern Japan. Of course the Earth Quake and Tsunami are not there to cause anymore damage but, a lot was lost. People lost: Mothers,Fathers,Sisters,Brothers,Grandparents and everything else that they had. I have seen videos from the area of the flash flooding and I couldn't believe it.
What I wanted to get across most is the aftermath. There is a spirit there that boggles the mind. People who have lost several members of their families and were rebuilding and forming an impromptu Reggae Benefit Concert. There were smile and although soft, there was laughter. How can this be?
I want to point out a special person who has been reporting the news from Eastern Japan. Her name is Nakamura,Hiroko. You can find her in the social media circles as Hirokochannel; Her blog domain is
Hiroko has risked her health and safety by taking trips from Tokyo to the Coastal areas that were torn apart from the Tsunami.
If you ever get a chance to research something about Japan, Please go to Hirokochannel .com first; She also has video japanese class videos and so much more.
I just want you to know that I think she is great and the courage of Japan is strong but, there is still help that could be offered.
Thanks for taking your time to read this small posting.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Osakaben's first Japanese Video!

Hello everyone,
I finally decided to try to make a Youtube video in 100% Japanese; It made me realize that I need to study a lot more. please don't laugh too hard when you see it.
Osakaben's first Japanese video

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Let's speak Japanese!

I felt that it was a good thing to write another blog about Japanese Language Study Methods. Even though I won't go in to it in great detail, it's something that I think I will dedicate to it's own blog page. So, be looking for this in the future; I'm not a Japanese Teacher but, I think I have useful techniques to keep you from having slow progress in your success as a future Japanese speaker.
That's it for now but, I will be back to discuss this more and help you find some ways to become fluent faster.
Until then,
Osakaben desu(akaScott)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let's speak Japanese!

Hello everyone!
yesterday, I found two Japanese ladies who wanted to have a Skype conference call; So, they added me to their contact list(s). We tried to have a 50/50 English and Japanese meeting. While one lady was just a beginner and spoke a little English, She made a lot of very good English sentences.
The other lady did not try as hard. She could read English very well but was not willing to speak too much. We had a lot of fun using our Beginners English and Japanese.
Today, I spoke to my new friend but, unlike last night, She didn't want to speak English at all and would only do it when I was having a hard time with my Japanese vocabulary or grammar. That's ok because, I will keep at it and study Japanese more. In the meantime, I will become a little more strict and get them to speak more English.
So, to all of the people trying to learn Japanese in the USA or other places,there is hope; You can find Japanese Native speakers(from japan) who will help you learn Japanese. Don't expect a qualified Japanese teacher but, if you are true to a time frame where you can have an hour before your bedtime or before there's, you can learn Japanese a lot faster than books or movies; Don't through away your textbooks or audio/movie systems.
Here is my best way to study vocabulary(and i'm ready to start it)Make flash cards by using the paint program for your windows computer; I know this is time-consuming but I think it will help. You will need to have a japanese text editor on your pc. Open up your paint and (for example)use the text button to type in "Apple" and save it as V(for vocab)1.(v1). Type all the English letters as odd numbers and then save all the japanese translations(in this case(りんご)I know it's very time consuming and make sure you don't lose track of the words and numbers or you will have wrong English to Japanese translations.
After you have 10 or 20 words made and saved correctly, use the slide show for that folder to see the English word and say the Japanese word before it appears; Then reverse the order of the slideshow. After you do all of that, Increase the speed of the slideshow and try it again.
I hope this helps you. It helped me until a virus destroyed those files. Soon, I will try it again.
Needless to say, talking with my new friends in Japanese was very fun. So, let's all study and become better.
Mata ne(see you later)
Osakaben(aka scott)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bad weather at studios.

Well Jpop fans,
For two days now, there has been very bad weather in the Midwest(United States)including Thunder Storms and Tornadoes.
There were several deaths in Joplin, Missouri(over 100 dead) and there is extreme flooding in the Southern United States and along the Mississippi River.
Authorities were worried that New Orleans would suffer Hurricane Katrina-like flooding; So, they have opened spillways along the Mississippi River in rural areas to the North.
I hope everyone is Ok.
Japan is still suffering from the aftershocks and problems concerning the Fukushima Nuclear Plant.
Let's keep everyone's well being in mind and help however we can.
If you can't donate or buy a product for the relief situations. Send someone in the areas in question an e-mail and tell them that you are thinking of them and hope for a speedy recovery.
Osakaben deshita.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Well, things are working but...?

Hi everyone!
Well, most of the projects are finished(at least functional).
I'm using my blog and My youtube videos are easier to make.
The Ustream TV show I thought, was reallly difficult but, it's coming around.
I made and recorded a live jpop countdown show on Ustream so, Please check it out.
I know this is a blog but, writing properly has become another project.
Please to see the links and, I think that will make it easier to get to my projects from there.
I added the new video-chat widget from paltalk to the webpage so, you can see when I'm on paltalk. I'm still waiting to find 3(or 4?)friends to check the multiple video chat page.
The weather in Illinois is the same as always, ever-changing!!
It was nearly 90 degrees last week; Now, it's cold and thunderstorms almost everyday. It makes me hate to walk to the market and run errands.
Well, I'm excited to say that i'm getting better dealing with my procrastination problems. I will be very happy to have me "stuff" together soon. It feels weird; It was always easier to delay or give up half way through because, you didn't have to worry about failure or other peoples defeating comments.
I don't see comments yet and I'm not discouraged. I'm learning about ways of bringing people to my webpages and and blogs; So, You should be excited because I'm not just going to be one demensional about my internet presence; I plan on acting on every thought and idea that pops into my under-used brain.
see you guys next time!
Osakaben(aka Scott)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jpop now is working; next, live show.

Hello all!
Well,the domain is ready!
it may look like a boring site or always under construction but, it is up and working. I just want to learn how to put some countdown boxes,question or polls; anything to make it better. jpop is really good music. even to say that Jpop has been coined for ALL Japanese music. not true; there is Jrock,Jpop.Punk,anime soundtracks,enka,and all types of Japanese music. Musical styles are eclectic like most other places in the world.
I like a lot of Japanese Music and lean towards the straight Pop(where you will find most of the idols/stars)
Anyway, i'm researching the nuts and bolts of my webpage and I'm going to record a video or live tv show this weekend. With the NBA playoffs going on at the same time, It's hard to do any coding or editing at night.
again,please visit
Osakaben(aka Scott)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is it just me or has the "mega-girls groups" gotten larger?

I thought that the Jpop "Supergroups" were finished but, I saw one with about 25 members in it; All were singing in unison so, 3 would have been fine. I'm working hard on getting the topic,webpage and tv shows all together. Please check out Jpopnow  to stay informed.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Friend Akashi Yuki

Meeting My Japanese Friends,part 1.
I have to admit, that I'm quite nervous writing about someone other than me.
My first article is about my 'Net-friend Akashi Yuki(Yuki Akashi). You can find Yuki Akashi on her webpage entitled(easily enough), In the last few years, People on the internet have been flooded with new technologies to see,hear and talk to people from around the world.
After leaving leaving Japan after a short three years, I had a bad case of "Reverse Culture Shock", so I was online searching for Japanese things during most of my free time. Well, one of the first new Web-technologies that I ran into was Youtube; There were a lot of Japanese people on youtube making very interesting videos and, I was hooked. After that, other communications technologies and social networks sprung up to were you could talk to anyone from around the world with a simple mouse click or two or, signing up for clubs,language exchange sites and so on.
One of the youtubers(though not the first)that I came across was Yuki Akashi; She was already in New York in 2006 but, I didn't quite know that yet; Sometimes you have to look at the small print and look and dates and important information. Well, enough about Me, This article is all about Yuki!
Like I said before, Yuki came to America in 2006; Even though she had a busy and extensive media career in Japan, she came to America and is trying to climb the ladder of success there. In Japan, Yuki worked in all types of Media Jobs. She's a model as well as an actress and has done live stage acting in Japan and America. She is very good in front of the camera; As to say, She is a tall, dark-haired beauty from Chiba,Japan. I have always been sure that she could become a very successful model but, I think she likes acting more.
Time will only tell how close to the stars she will fly  but, I feel she will be making some very important strides in the near future.
Yuki has a great personality and has answered my social network messages which, has always made a bad day better.
Again, don't forget to visit , you will be seeing a star of the future.

Friday, March 25, 2011

More jpop?

hello everyone,
Well, I put things off for a very long time! Finally, I'm almost done with the core of my web projects. I have my own domain at and it has links to my other projects; Everything is not finished but, i'm ready to use any media that i'm learning how to use. Just a little tweaking and I will be ready to go live with Jpopnow Live which will be my main tv show on Ustream. so, have just a little more patience and I should be making more Youtube vids,ustream tv shows, and blogging a lot more. I also have a t-shirt and gift store which is on the jpopnow page. I don't know whom this will be more popular for but, Japanese stuff continues to grow in popularity so, i hope people in the USA will watch the live shows. but,, they will be recorded also on ustream or youtube so it can be seen worldwide. please everyone, visit my pages and i hope you will enjoy Japanese media as much as I do! Please watch Jpop now live! i will have a release about it on the jpopnow page soon,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Osakaben(me) is getting better.

Well, everything is getting better with all of my blogs; In one form or another they are related to my alter ego, Osakaben. My domain,or dotcom if you will,is up; It's called and it will be related to Japanese Pop's weekly charts, known as Oricon.So, all of my projects are almost complete so please look at the Jpop page and If you want a good way to learn Japanese, I will put a link to take you to a great computer software product. <a href="" target="_top">Learn Japanese Fast!</a>

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Osakaben desu!

Hi there Japan(and the whole world)
I'm trying a new blog and a podcast blog so,,,,
here it goes! Please be patient until I'm doing it correctly,