Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Projects for Osakaben desu!

Hello everyone! I'm in the middle of updating and changing a lot of my blogs and webpages so....There is so much work today! On this page, the main focus will be Learning Japanese but not just Japanese, Japanese spoken with Kansai/Osakaben. I will be having updates here and the videos will be on my youtube channel (osakaben10). I will be creating several different Japanese Lesson Videos: Standard Japanese and Osakaben(osaka dialect)for now. But, I will be using as many creative ways for students to be able to learn. Also, On my pageJpopnow.comI will be offering Free English Lessons and conversation practice. So, I need people to comment and subscribe and give me feedback. I have noticed that People are Viewing my Free Japanese Lesson Videos on youtube and I want to let them know That I'm going to make One video for Hiragana/Katakana stroke order this weekend and then on With the Formal lessons(vocab,grammar and so on). So, please subscribe,comment and click the thumbs up to help me help all of you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Scott and Ben.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanks for visiting this blog!

Hello everyone, I want to thank all of the people who visited this blog within the past few months. I'm learning more about blogging(little by little),and I really want to make this something that people want to read and respond to. Now that I know a lot more about the server that I'm using and what I can do on it, I will be making the type of blog that you will enjoy and really want to become a part of. This was the first blog that I started and I didn't know all of the ins' and outs' of the blogging system. This blog is called Osakaben desu and in the beginnig(and for a long time), that was just my web nickname; So, now I think that people expect this to be a blog about Kansai/Osaka dialect. Well, guess what! That will be the case with my next blog. There will be small articles and info on Osakaben(dialect) and lessons to learn Osakaben. Unless other material, such as jpop news occurs with a Osaben twist, this will be the Osakaben instructional blog. To find out about other blog pages, Please check outJpopnow.comI will have all of the media channels updated with the corresponding links. Thanks for your visiting and please come often and subscribe or join whatever the blog gives you the choice of doing. Scott.