Thursday, May 15, 2014

What's on for today?

Hello everyone! Today has been a little strange. I did a little gardening again today. I planted different types of flowers around the trunk of a tree, in the front yard. Planting new things in a grassy section of the yard can be hard work. Without a tiller or bare soil, you need to dig up the grassroots by hand; This is very time-consuming. Just when I started to clean up, The rain began to fall; Very convenient(don't you think). I spent lunch looking out the window and wondering if this rain will help all of the flowers in the yard; I hope it will. I just had some french fries at McDonald's and I'm listening to classic rock and working on my blogs. I may have lost my domain address but, I might be able to fix that. I'm still working on Music and Photography as well. I hope to show you the results soon. I hope you are well and enjoying spring! Take care, Scott and Ben.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A little cold today.

Hello everyone, Today it's a little cold but, I want to shop at the Garden Store and find some Vegetables to plant. I would like to eat some fresh food like a Salad or Stir-fry. My blogs and video channels have been a little slow because my HD Camera/Camcorder doesn't work very well these days. I have to buy a new one but, it will be very difficult. I hope everyone is enjoying the Spring Weather. I'm at McDonald's but, I am not eating; I am only using the Free Wi-FI Service. I'm going to go shopping now. I hope you all are enjoying the Blogs that I write. I want to get better at Writing,Cooking,Photography and Music; Please check here often and click on the ads you are interested and leave some comments. I want to get to know everyone. I see a lot of views but nothing else;So, please write something. Have a great day, Scott and Ben.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I messed up again!!

Hello everyone, I hope you can find this. It seems that another year has passed and I lost my main domain(again). This blog will still be in the same place but, my dotcom will not be. If I'm lucky, I can find a way to maintain it. It seems that I always become broke when my domain needs to be renewed. I think people know this address so keep coming to it please. I don't have anything much to say. I spend a lot of time planting flowers and now I'm just getting back to normal again. I hope I can get back to blogging and having all of my 'net projects straightened out. Please comment or click on a link when reading so, I can make a little cash... Take care! Scott and Ben.